
By default, search results are ordered in descending order by their BM25 score. If multiple results have identical BM25 scores, the key_field is used as a tie-breaker. This behavior can be controlled with the stable_sort parameter.

If true, equally-scored or ordered results will be sub-sorted by their key_field. As a consequence of score evaluation and sorting, query times will be slower. This is useful for testing or anytime where results need to be deterministic but the score itself is not necessary. See the <index_name>.score_bm25() function for retrieving document scores.

If false, scores are not generated and instead results are returned in an un-deterministic index order. The benefit of this is that the results are returned as quickly as possible. This is useful for queries that are known to return many thousands or millions of rows.

stable_sort defaults to true and can be passed into search, score_bm25, and snippet.

SELECT * FROM search_idx.search('description:keyboard', stable_sort => false);

Custom Ordering

By default, the rows are ordered by their BM25 score but can be ordered by any fast field instead by specifying order_by_field.

The sort order can be changed by specifying order_by_direction. The default is asc. These arguments can be passed into search, score_bm25, and snippet.

SELECT * FROM search_idx.search(
  order_by_field => 'rating',
  order_by_direction => 'asc' | 'desc'