The ParadeDB Helm Chart is based on the official CloudNativePG Helm Chart. CloudNativePG is a Kubernetes operator that manages the full lifecycle of a highly available PostgreSQL database cluster with a primary/standby architecture using Postgres streaming replication.

The chart is also available on ArtifactHub.

Getting Started

First, install Helm. The following steps assume you have a Kubernetes cluster running v1.25+. If you are testing locally, we recommend using Minikube.

Install the CloudNativePG Operator

Skip this step if the CNPG operator is already installed in your cluster.

helm repo add cnpg
helm upgrade --install cnpg \
--namespace cnpg-system \
--create-namespace \

Set Up a ParadeDB CloudNativePG Cluster

Create a values.yaml and configure it to your requirements. Here is a basic example:

type: paradedb
mode: standalone

  instances: 2
    size: 256Mi

Then, launch the ParadeDB cluster.

helm repo add paradedb
helm upgrade --install paradedb \
--namespace paradedb-database \
--create-namespace \
--values values.yaml \

If --values values.yaml is omitted, the default values will be used. For additional configuration options, please refer to the ParadeDB Helm Chart documentation.

That’s it! To get started, we suggest you follow the quickstart guide.