Index Schema

paradedb.schema returns information about the index schema. This is useful for inspecting how an index was configured.

The following code block inspects an index called search_idx. The argument should be the index name quoted in a string.

SELECT name, field_type FROM paradedb.schema('search_idx');

The index to inspect.

Index Size

pg_relation_size can be used to inspect the index size. pg_size_pretty turns the size from bytes into a human-readable format.

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('search_idx'));

Index Segments

paradedb.index_info returns information about the index’s underlying segments.

SELECT * FROM paradedb.index_info('search_idx');

Generally speaking, the segment count should match the server’s CPU count. In practice, it may be lower if the table is very small, or higher if there are so many rows that a single segment is split into multiple segments.

In order for the index to maintain an optimal segment count, the index must have enough memory and threads for creating and writing to the index.