Basic Usage

range_term filters over int4range, int8range, numrange, tsrange, and tstzrange range fields.

The following query finds all ranges that contain a specific value:

SELECT id, weight_range FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.range_term('weight_range', 1);

range_term can be used with boolean queries to “push down” the range filter into the full text search query.

SELECT id, description, category, weight_range FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.boolean(
    must => ARRAY[
        paradedb.range_term('weight_range', 1),
        paradedb.term('category', 'footwear')

Range Comparison

In addition to individual terms, range_term can also compare a Postgres range against the range field.


The following query finds all ranges that share at least one common point with the query range:

Based on the SearchQueryInput enum showing RangeIntersects as an option, here’s how we would write it:

SELECT id, weight_range FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.range_term('weight_range', '(10, 12]'::int4range, 'Intersects');


The following query finds all ranges that are contained by the query range:

SELECT id, weight_range FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.range_term('weight_range', '(3, 9]'::int4range, 'Contains');


The following query finds all ranges that contain the query range:

SELECT id, weight_range FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.range_term('weight_range', '(2, 11]'::int4range, 'Within');