Basic Usage

Finds documents similar to a given document or set of field values. This is useful for recommendation engines or finding related content based on textual similarities.

You must pass either:

  • document_id, which takes a key_field value to match against the corresponding document.
  • document_fields, which takes a JSON object string to match against.

All other parameters are compatible with both document_id and document_fields.

When querying with the document_id parameter, the index fields must be configured with the stored parameter set to true.

The key_field of an index is configured automatically as stored: true.

-- document_id
SELECT description, rating, category
FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.more_like_this(
  document_id => 3,
  min_term_frequency => 1

-- document_fields
SELECT description, rating, category
FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.more_like_this(
document_fields => '{"description": "shoes"}',
min_doc_frequency => 0,
max_doc_frequency => 100,
min_term_frequency => 1


The ID of the document to find similar documents to.


A JSON object representing the field values to use for similarity matching.


Minimum document frequency of terms to be considered.


Maximum document frequency of terms to be considered.


Minimum term frequency of terms to be considered.


Maximum number of query terms to be used.


Minimum word length of terms to be considered.


Maximum word length of terms to be considered.


Boost factor to amplify the impact of matching terms.


A JSON array of stop words to be ignored in the query.