Basic Usage

Returns documents that match one or more of the specified subqueries. If a document matches multiple criteria, it receives the highest score from those matches.

SELECT description, rating, category, paradedb.score(id)
FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.disjunction_max(ARRAY[
  paradedb.term('description', 'shoes'),
  paradedb.term('description', 'running')

Query objects to match against.

default: 0

A tie breaking increment for matching subqueries. Should be a float between 0 and 1.

If tie_breaker is provided, documents that match on more than one subquery will score higher than documents that match on only one subquery. For instance, if there are two subqueries and tie_breaker is set to 0.5, the score is computed as:

max_score + (second_highest_score × 0.5)