The easiest way to copy data from another Postgres into ParadeDB is with the pg_dump and pg_restore utilities. These are installed by default when you install psql.

Create a Dump

Run pg_dump to create a copy of your database.

Replace host, username, and dbname with your existing database credentials.

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    <dbname> > old_db.dump

If your database is large, this can take some time. You can speed this up by dumping specific tables.

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    -t <table_name_1> -t <table_name_2>
    <dbname> > old_db.dump

Restore the Dump

Run pg_restore to load this data into ParadeDB.

Replace host, username, and dbname with your ParadeDB credentials.

pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    -d <dbname> \