This topic covers how to quickly import data from an existing Postgres database or CSV file into ParadeDB.

From Postgres

Prerequisite Ensure that you have psql installed on your machine. This will provide the necessary pg_dump and pg_restore command line utilities.

  1. From your terminal, run pg_dump to create a copy of your existing database.
pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    <dbname> > old_db.dump

Note that host, username, and dbname are the host address, username, and database name of your existing database, respectively.

You can also create copies of certain tables:

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    -t <table_name_1> -t <table_name_2>
    <dbname> > old_db.dump
  1. Run pg_restore to copy your data into ParadeDB:
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner \
    -h <host> \
    -U <username> \
    -d <dbname> \

Note that host, username, and dbname are now the credentials of your ParadeDB database.

From CSV File

  1. Prepare a actors.csv file on your machine at /path/to/actors.csv with the following data.
First Name,Last Name
  1. Use psql to connect to ParadeDB.
psql -h <hostname> -U <user> -d <dbname> -p <port> -W
  1. Inside the psql shell, create a table that matches the actors.csv schema.
  id SERIAL,
  first_name TEXT,
  last_name TEXT,
  1. Load the data using the \copy option.
\copy actors FROM '/path/to/actors.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
  1. Ensure that the CSV file was uploaded successfully.
SELECT * FROM actors;

From Object Store

Please refer to the ParadeDB Analytics documentation for instructions on how to load data from an external object store or table format into ParadeDB.

For Further Assistance

The function opens a GitHub Discussion that the ParadeDB team will respond to.

  subject => $$Something isn't working$$,
  body => $$Issue description$$

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