Basic Usage

fuzzy_phrase is like fuzzy_term but for query phrases that are comprised of multiple tokens. Unlike a typical phrase query, fuzzy_phrase finds documents that are a fuzzy match against any one of the query tokens.

SELECT description, rating, category
FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.fuzzy_phrase('description', 'ruining shoez');

Specifies the field within the document to search for the term.


Defines the phrase you are searching for within the specified field. This phrase is automatically tokenized in the same way as field.

default: 2

The maximum Levenshtein distance (i.e. single character edits) allowed to consider a term in the index as a match for the query term. Maximum value is 2.

default: true

When set to true, transpositions (swapping two adjacent characters) as a single edit in the Levenshtein distance calculation, while false considers it two separate edits (a deletion and an insertion).

default: false

When set to true, the initial substring (prefix) of the query term is exempted from the fuzzy edit distance calculation, while false includes the entire string in the calculation.

default: false

When set to true, all tokens of the query have to match in order for a document to be considered a match.

Setting match_all_terms to true makes it so that all query tokens must match in order for a document to be considered a match.

SELECT description, rating, category
FROM mock_items
WHERE id @@@ paradedb.fuzzy_phrase(
  'description', 'ruining shoez',
  match_all_terms => true