If you are self-hosting, we do not recommend installing ParadeDB in your primary Postgres. ParadeDB is designed to run as a logical replica of your primary, which isolates search and analytical workloads from your primary.

If you already self-manage Postgres, you may prefer to install ParadeDB directly within your self-managed Postgres instead of deploying the ParadeDB Helm chart.

This can be done by installing the two extensions that ParadeDB uses:


Ensure that you have superuser access to the Postgres database.

Next, install libicu.

Install the ParadeDB Postgres Extensions

ParadeDB Community

ParadeDB provides prebuilt binaries for our extensions on

  • Debian 12
  • Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9
  • macOS 14 (Sonoma) and 15 (Sequoia)

Postgres 14, 15, 16, and 17 are available. If you are using a different version of Postgres or a different operating system, you will need to build the extensions from source.

The prebuilt releases can be found in GitHub Releases.

You can replace 0.14.0 with the pg_search version you wish to install and 17 with the version of Postgres you are using.


The prebuilt releases can be found in GitHub Releases.

You can replace 0.3.0 with the pg_analytics version you wish to install and 17 with the version of Postgres you are using.

ParadeDB Enterprise

If you are a ParadeDB Enterprise user, you should have received a copy of the enterprise binaries. Please contact sales for access.

Update postgresql.conf

Next, add the extension(s) to shared_preload_libraries in postgresql.conf.

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_search,pg_analytics'

Reload the Postgres server for these changes to take effect.

Load the Extensions

Finally, connect to your Postgres database via your client of choice (e.g. psql) and run the following command:

CREATE EXTENSION pg_analytics;

pg_search can be combined with pgvector for hybrid search. You can find the instructions for installing pgvector here.