Basic Usage

A field that is indexed as fast is stored in a column-oriented fashion. Fast fields are necessary for aggregations/faceting. They can also improve the query times of filtering and BM25 scoring.

The following code block demonstrates how to specify a fast field.

CALL paradedb.create_bm25(
  index_name => 'search_idx',
  table_name => 'mock_items',
  key_field => 'id',
  numeric_fields => paradedb.field('rating', fast => true)


The normalizer controls how text and JSON fast fields are tokenized. By default, the raw normalizer is used. It treats the entire text as a single token and removes tokens larger than 255 bytes. The lowercase normalizer is like raw but also lowercases the token.

paradedb.field('category', fast => true, normalizer => 'raw' | 'lowercase')